想著要整理過去一年拍攝的作品們,於是開始回望 18 歲的這一年,原以為它能被歸納為一個「生活在他方」的故事,於是去讀了米蘭·昆德拉的小說《生活在他方》。然而,這本書並非關於旅行或流浪,而是一個關於革命(或嚮往革命)的故事。出乎意料的是,書中的部分內容卻意外地回應了我在藝術與創作上的焦慮——這一年,似乎正是由這些陰錯陽差的巧合與錯置交織而成。
Installation, photos, scanned documents, dimensions variable, 2021
As I reviewed the films I shot last year, I began to reminisce about that period in my life. I initially thought it could be framed as a story of Life is Elsewhere and read Milan Kundera’s novel of the same name. However, I soon realized that Life is Elsewhere is not about travel or wandering—it is a story of revolution, or rather, the longing for revolution. Unexpectedly, parts of the book resonated with my own anxieties about art and creation. In many ways, this past year seemed to have been shaped by a series of coincidences and misplaced intentions.
Similarly, 18 is not a story about travel or wandering. The central theme of this year has been change—navigating the constant shifts in my surroundings and negotiating between forced and voluntary adaptation. More importantly, it has been about recognizing, confronting, and understanding the transformations within myself. This body of work is, in a way, an attempt to piece together my identity—through splendid landscapes from my journeys, the mundane details of everyday life, and even the ambiguity of self-identity. Ultimately, whether clear or blurred, these fragments collectively form what I call myself.

*此裝置作品由張雍指導,並在他的工作坊《襯衫與皮膚之間的秘密》中展出,學學,2021 @ 臺北,臺灣
*This installation is supervised by Simon Chang and showcased at his workshop The Secret between Skin and Shirt, XUE XUE INSTITUTE, 2021 @ Taipei, Taiwan