Deeply drawn to the ambiguity of all things, perhaps we all live within the intervals,
between the notes, where the intermission never ends.
Installation, photos, black fabric, white and red thread, Dimensions variable, 2023
This installation consists of a series of destruction and mending: three years of memories are fragmented and repeatedly reorganized into different versions. Evenly spaced holes are punched on both sides of the photographs, securing them onto black fabric with interwoven white thread. A slit is cut through the center of the black fabric, then stitched back together with red thread, forming a scar.
The relentless repetition of piercing and stitching, the irreversibility of cutting the fabric—these declarative gestures serve as a means of positioning, freeing the artist, captivated by ambiguity, from an interval.
展示於《滿室喧嘩》,111-2 台大攝影社期末展,活大地下室文藝展示廳 @ 臺北,臺灣
Exhibited in Noise Fills the Room, NTU Photo, National Taiwan University, Spring 2023 @ Taipei, Taiwan
製作過程 Production process
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